Wild West Marathon - 2001
While ranked the 7th toughest course in the U.S., the Wild Wild West Trail Marathon is also one of the most beautiful courses to be found. Run in the shadow of Mt. Whitney and through the Alabama Hills (a favorite for film location for numerous Hollywood westerns), runners face elevation, tough terrain, and heat to complete this tough race. The gun sounds at 7:00AM with a steady climb of about 4 miles on a narrow, sandy trail. After running along the base of the Sierras for several miles, you turn back down for a long downhill through mile 15, crossing Hogback Creek. Then it's through a series of rolling hills for the next seven or eight miles and a tough uphill finish. This was the first time for most people on this course, and PRs for Nancy and Greg. Finishers from the Basin Blues included Paul Schuster (4:38), Greg Minter (5:16), Nancy Shura (5:23), Larry Dervin (5:36), Pauline Freeland (6:03), Ken Berry (6:06), Teresa Lima (6:16), and Jeanne Berry (6:42). |